Peppermint Foot Facial

Create your own spa treatment at home with this refreshing foot facial. Peppermint adds a tingling sensation that will help you relax and enjoy. Ingredients La Lune Naturals Indian Healing Clay Pau d’Arco Tea La Lune Naturals Peppermint Oil Directions 1. Mix equal parts of Indian Healing Clay with brewed Green Tea and 5 drops […]

Peppermint Clay Insect Bite Treatment

Also good for abrasions, skin irritations, bruises, sprains, diaper rash, acne, and fungus. Ingredients La Lune Naturals Indian Healing Clay 1-2 drops La Lune Naturals Peppermint Essential Oil Distilled Water Directions 1. Make a thick paste of clay and distilled water. Add a few drops of peppermint oil. 2. Apply to skin. Re-apply as needed.

Peppermint and Indian Clay Acne Mask

Combining the detoxifying effects of Indian Healing Clay and the oil eliminating properties of peppermint oil creates a powerful acne treatment! Ingredients 2 scoops La Lune Naturals Indian Healing Clay 2 Tbsp Water 1-2 Drops La Lune Naturals Peppermint Oil Directions 1. Mix together clay and water until it reaches a creamy consistency. 2. Add 1-2 drops […]