Seaweed wraps are often used as expensive detoxifications and cellulite wraps in spas. But with La Lune Naturals, you can do a simple wrap at home, get the same results—but at a fraction of the price!
It’s super easy. You simply mix the seaweed powder with some oils to a mud-like consistency. You are then wrapped up tight and left to relax for about 30 minutes. It is thought that the seaweed pulls out the toxins in your body and can aid in general well-being, relieves achiness and dramatically reduce the appearance of cellulite!
Tip: It’s a good idea to exfoliate your skin before doing a seaweed wrap.
What You Will Need:
1/2 Cup Seaweed Powder (Buy here with free shipping!)
3-4 Tablespoons of Your Favorite Oil
2-4 Drops Essential Oils (Optional)
Warm Water
Plastic Wrap
A shower curtain (Optional)
Mix together the seaweed powder, oil and water until your desired consistency. It should be mud like, but not watery. After mixing, you can add the essential oil if you would like.
Tip: Use a cheap plastic shower curtain (can easily be purchased at your local dollar store) to protect your carpet/tile/bed from the mud.
Standing in the shower or over a towel will help avoid making a mess. Apply mixture to your entire body, from the waist down. Once applied, you can wrap areas of your skin with plastic wrap. Having someone help with this will make it easier, especially for the torso.
Once wrapped, lie down on a towel and apply another towel over the top of you to keep warm. If you have a blanket you don’t care much about, feel free to get under the covers to encourage sweating. Sweating can help further detoxify your skin.
Tip: While you rest, consider placing sliced cucumbers over your eyes to reduce puffiness.
After 20 to 30 minutes, remove wrap at take a warm shower to rinse off any residue from the seaweed mud mixture.
Enjoy the results!
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